Recent Ministry Highlights
Recent Ministry
Ministry During the Holiday Seasons
This Easter, MAP:
Was able to provide 300 Easter dinners through Christian Rescue Missions for homeless people in Michigan, and New Mexico.
During December, MAP:​
Provided fifty Christmas dinners to the homeless community of Saginaw, MI, through a rescue center.
Provided another fifty Christmas dinners to the homeless families at Joy Junction in Albuquerque, NM.
Ministered to and provided some Christmas help to two families who lost their husbands and fathers to suicide.
Provided Christmas Blessing to many area struggling and needy families and individuals.
In November, MAP:
Was able to send over two hundred personalized greetings of appreciation and encouragement to US Veterans, for Veterans Day November 11.
Pennsylvania Salvation Army Presentation
During the summer, MAP had the opportunity to travel to Pennsylvania and minister to US Veterans, needy and homeless individuals and families. We were given the chance to present MAP Ministries to the staff and volunteers of a dynamic Salvation Army post. They are on the frontline helping people with meals and other needs and it was a joy to encourage them.
Tornado in Gaylord
We traveled twice to Gaylord, MI in the wake of the tornado and did what we could to aid the people affected by its devastation.
We handed out Care Packets that included gift cards for gas stations and food purchases and literature telling them about the love of God and how to know Jesus personally. We took the opportunity to pray with them and encourage them as best we could.
MAP was privileged to specifically help 7 of the 70 families hurt by this devastating tornado. Many homes in Gaylord were damaged by the tornado, and some of them were simply gone, completely erased by the storm.

We were blessed to go on a Southwest Missions trip and it was absolutely an incredible ministry experience. Sandy and I were blessed with safety on the entire 5,314-mile trip. As we visited 13 states over the 22 days, we had GOD APPOINTMENTS all along the way.
We were able to minister to nearly 200 individuals, families and U.S. Veterans. Many of them were hurting and homeless people. We distributed gift packets to homeless people that included Christian literature and gift cards for meals. It was such a privilege to pray with people, share Christ’s love and be an encouragement to them. Many of those we talked with had tears in their eyes as they expressed their appreciation. We were able to show our care and appreciation to many U.S. Veterans. Meeting our U.S. Veterans who served our country on the street homeless and needy, is a very heart-wrenching experience.

MAP Ministries also visited 4 Christian homeless missions in major areas that have recently exploded with an increase of homeless people. We were able to donate money gifts and pray with staff and residents. MAP was able to accomplish this exciting trip due to the prayers and financial gifts of our MAP supporters. THANKS so much!
37 ...‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty and give you food and something to drink? 38 When did we see you with no place to stay and invite you in? When did we see you poorly clothed and cover you? 39 When did we see you sick and tenderly care for you, or in prison and visit you?’
40 “And the King will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least of these, my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.’
Matthew 25:37-40